Wellfie Wednesday Tip #117: Upcoming #GetPT1st Day

Happy #WellfieWednesday! This week’s post is a short one promoting the upcoming #GetPT1st social media takeover day on Monday, October 1st from 8-9 PM EST. #GetPT1st is a grassroots movement promoting the benefits of physical therapy to the general public. I know many physical therapists (PTs), including myself have at times been frustrated by the lack of awareness regarding the value that physical therapy can provide to society, Monday, October 1st is the perfect opportunity to do something to help that. So, tell a friend, tell a patient, tell a stranger, post on social media, and let the world know that #PhysicalTherapy can help them! October is also National Physical Therapy Month, so keep that message going the entire month and beyond!

A big shout out to @SeanHagey for creating #GetPT1st. We certainly appreciate all the work you do. And kudos to all the movers and shakers of the world who see a problem and try to help solve it.  Looking forward to seeing all your posts on October 1st! Check out GetPT1st.com for more details.

Thanks for all of the support, be sure to post your pictures this week and tag the WW crew members in your post (@TheFuelPhysio@Eric_in_AmERICa@FreestylePhysio@DianaKlatt) and keep the wave of healthy change going!

- WW Crew